Ronnie “The Pinata Lady” Jaggers is hard at work at Chiseled Features Studio  creating 10 piñatas for the  2017 Bowling Green International Festival Saturday September 30 at Circus Square Park.  Kids are invited to try breaking the custom made piñatas  every hour on the hour beginning at 9 a.m.

Jaggers also creates jewelry, figurines, paintings, piñatas, miniature game pieces, models, graphic arts, screen printing, originals for concrete statues, fountains, stained glass and more.  Some of her work will be on display in her booth near the piñata area.

Ronnie has been on the Community Planners and making piñatas for the festival since 2001.  Having raised six children, she had plenty of experience in creating piñatas and organizing piñata bursts!

You can become part of the Bowling Green International Festival by visiting the volunteer section of our website. The Festival takes place September 30 this year from 9am – 6pm. Stop by and say “hi” to our many volunteers in our festival booth areas! For more information visit: