Virtual Art Show Submission Form
You do not have to complete this form in one sitting. There is an option to “save and continue later” at the bottom of this form. It will create a link you can use to access the form again.
You do not have to complete this form in one sitting. There is an option to “save and continue later” at the bottom of this form. It will create a link you can use to access the form again.
Virtual Art Show Submission Checklist:
1. Name of artist, gallery or studio.
2. Four links of your choice (ie website, social media).
3. A photo of a new work* which was influenced by a foreign culture with a caption referencing that culture’s influence (REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE). *New for this purpose means not previously publicly shown.
4. A photo representing you or your gallery or studio.
5. A description of your you, your gallery or studio. The description can include purchasing information. Minimum of approximately 90 words preferred.
6. A slideshow with up to ten art photos.
7. Titles, year and medium for your photos.
8. Photo captions describing the artwork shown are encouraged but not required with the exception of the required piece, which must have a caption. Captions may include purchase information.
9. A video (recommenced 3-5 minutes). Video must include the new, culturally influenced work, preferably with comments about the cultural influence. The remainder of the video is flexible. You could tour your gallery, studio or talk about your work and influences or show the creation of a piece. Purchasing information can be included.