Performers Application & Contract

  • Name of Primary Contact
  • What foreign culture are you representing? (Your application will not be considered unless your performance represents a traditional foreign culture or a modern fusion strongly influenced by one).
  • List total performance cost including all travel expenses. If there is no fee put 0. (If your answer is not specific & complete the application will not be considered.)
  • Describe your performance/music (Description should be suitable for use on our website and in promotional material if you are selected):
  • Please check each area where it would be possible for you to perform: 1.) 24' x 20' stage with (Full PA, 24 channel board & monitoring system); 2.) 20' x 16' stage with (Full PA, 16 channel board & monitoring system). ; 3.) 16'x12' stage (Small PA, microphones, cd player); 4. On the grass in front of a stage (with use of stage equipment).
  • How long would you like to perform?
  • How many times do you want to perform during the day?
  • Number of tickets requested for performers and necessary crew members.
  • Describe your costumes/performance attire.
  • Additional Information: Tell us any additional information or requests that we need to take into consideration, such as if the times you are available are limited due to other commitments or travel, etc. (Ie have to leave by 3pm). DO NOT specify a specific time you want to perform, there are too many performances to accommodate such specific requests.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Provide a photo of your group to be used in our promotions if you have one and have not previously sent it.
  • Phone number to reach group.
    Format: (###) ### - ####

Terms & Conditions

Applications are accepted year-round for future reference. Applications that are not specific and all inclusive regarding fee requirements, or that do not represent foreign culture performances will not be considered.